Example rules file for CSV data. Rev date: 09/01/03 See: http://search.cartserver.com/search/ulform.html This file MUST remain a .txt file. Edit only with Notepad or equivalent text editor. Don't use FP98 or any editor that might insert html or other codes. (map CSV field positions to our field types) START FIELDDEF PARTNUMBER,DESCRIPTION1,PRICE STOP FIELDDEF (map CSV field positions to our field types. Special fieldnames are: PARTNUMBER,TITLE,PRICE,SHIPPING,INSURANCE, UNITMEAS,WEIGHT STOCK,SELECT1,SELECT2,SELECT3,DESCRIPTION1, DESCRIPTION2, DESCRIPTION3, DESCRIPTION4 (minimum data fields are: TITLE,PRICE) START ITEM_ROW_STRUCTURE RELEVANCE PARTNUMBER TITLE SELECT2 $PRICE ADDIMG STOP ITEM_ROW_STRUCTURE (you can get fancy here if you want.) (stuff for the top of the generated pages) START HEADER < head>< title>Wayne's Video Games < body bgcolor=#ffffff>

Your Logo (or other html) Here

Super Nintendo Video Games STOP HEADER (stuff for the bottom of the generated pages) START FOOTER

Americart Home STOP FOOTER PRICE_ERROR_ACTION= CAPTION (legal are DROP and CAPTION) ITEMS_PER_TABLE= 50 TABLES_PER_PAGE= 1 TABLE_HEADER_ROW= Part#Title Price  ADDIMG= http://www.cartserver.com/sc/cartaddsml.gif (URL of "add to cart" graphic. Pick one on YOUR site since we will move this graphic occasionally.) (you can add height/width after the file name also) TABLEPROPS= width=550 border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 ( props for the returned table of products) ODDROWPROPS= bgcolor=#ffffff EVENROWPROPS= bgcolor=#f0f0f0 (these are props. we do even AND odd row so we can alternate color) GENERATEINDEX= ON (set to ON if you need an index page generated for better browsing) INDEXTABLE_PROPS= border=5 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 INDEX_ITEM_MAXLENGTH= 20 (if your index field data is too long and make the index table ugly, you can truncate) INDEXFIELD= TITLE (sets the data field you're indexing with)